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Consolidation of the National Plastic Action Partnership Task Force in Viet Nam

17:10 16/09/2024

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On September 16th, in Ha Noi, the National Plastic Action Partnership in Viet Nam (NPAP) held its 4th annual mid-term seminar. The event marked an important milestone in the implementation of NPAP with the announcement of the Decision to consolidate the Program Implementation Task Force, aiming to enhance the ability to achieve set goals and contribute to global commitments on reducing plastic pollution.

Chaired by Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh, the event gathered over 100 delegates from ministries, embassies, businesses, associations, international organizations, development partners, and other organizations within the NPAP network in Viet Nam.

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh, Head of the NPAP Task Force delivers the opening speech

The NPAP program, led by UNDP Viet Nam, is a multilateral, multi-stakeholder partnership platform established based on the formal cooperation between the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Viet Nam and the World Economic Forum. It enables collaboration between the government and other key partners to translate commitments on plastic waste and pollution into action.

At the 4th annual mid-term seminar, delegates assessed the achievements of NPAP, identified priorities, and discussed key plans for 2025. The highlight of the seminar was the announcement of the decision to consolidate the NPAP Task Force according to Decision No. 1922/QD-BTNMT, issued on July 12, 2024. Accordingly, the Head of the Program Task Force is the Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment, along with 33 representatives from ministries, development partners, businesses, non-profit organizations, and research institutes, who will collaborate to implement the national roadmap on plastic waste reduction and promote circular economy solutions.

Speaking at the seminar, Deputy Minister Le Cong Thanh, Head of the NPAP Task Force, acknowledged that in recent times, the NPAP program has focused on gathering, connecting, and engaging stakeholders, including government agencies, businesses, and non-governmental organizations, to address plastic waste and pollution and transition to a sustainable circular economy model for the plastic industry.

With a comprehensive and holistic approach, the NPAP program has been implementing various collaborative activities, thereby raising awareness and responsibility, contributing to unified action among levels and sectors, and garnering public support nationwide for addressing plastic pollution. "Many initial significant results have been achieved, creating a foundation for Viet Nam to gradually tackle the plastic waste issue and responsibly contribute to the global effort," emphasized the Deputy Minister.

To support the Task Force in implementing the NPAP program, two Technical Groups have been established: Innovation and Finance; Gender and Inclusive Development, to coordinate activities and initiatives on reducing plastic pollution among members and partners participating in NPAP Viet Nam.

Moving forward, the Deputy Minister suggested strengthening international cooperation between NPAP Viet Nam and other NPAPs in the region and the world, as well as with international organizations, to collaboratively address plastic pollution, as it is a transboundary issue requiring collective efforts. This includes continuing to mobilize resources, global experience, and knowledge, combined with local knowledge and innovation, in tackling plastic pollution and promoting a circular economy.

"For our part, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment will continue to effectively collaborate with ministries, sectors, localities, businesses, and international organizations in the joint effort to implement the NPAP Program with a comprehensive and holistic approach, thereby becoming an exemplary model for mobilizing all resources from public, private, community, and individual stakeholders to fundamentally address environmental pollution caused by plastic waste. At the same time, we will promote Viet Nam's leading role in the region at multilateral forums related to plastic waste," stated Deputy Minister Le Cong Thanh.

Ms. Ramla Khalidi - UNDP Resident Representative in Viet Nam and Co-Chair of the NPAP Task Force shares her thoughts

On this occasion, Ms. Ramla Khalidi, UNDP Resident Representative in Viet Nam and Deputy Head of the NPAP Task Force, shared: "The core of NPAP is collaboration. The active participation and initiatives from members are key to driving the necessary systemic change to reduce plastic waste and move towards sustainable solutions."

The Canadian Ambassador to Viet Nam and Deputy Head of the Task Force, Mr. Shawn Steil, expressed: "Canada is proud to support global efforts to combat plastic pollution through the Global Plastic Action Partnership (GPAP). Reducing plastic waste requires collaboration with governments, the private sector, and other organizations, while also considering the needs of women and minority communities. Canada is committed to promoting action both globally and locally, including NPAP in Viet Nam, for a cleaner and more sustainable future."

Members of the NPAP Task Force

During discussions at the seminar, delegates suggested that to keep up with new trends and meet the requirements of the new context globally, regionally, and domestically, NPAP Viet Nam will continue to implement practical activities closely linked to the current situation and needs in areas and regions that are hotspots for plastic waste. It will also promote policy dissemination and communication to change awareness and actions of businesses and people from the stages of design, production, consumption, and responsible disposal of plastic products. This contributes to effectively implementing the extended producer responsibility in the plastic industry, as well as managing the plastic lifecycle from production to consumption, collection, sorting, recycling, and reuse.

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