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30 Years of Viet Nam's Participation in the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol: Many Significant Milestones

18:13 16/09/2024

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On September 16th, in Ha Noi, Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh chaired the seminar "International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2024 - 30 Years of Viet Nam's Participation in the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol".

The event aimed to respond to the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2024 and share Viet Nam's efforts in cooperation and joint action to address the challenges of climate change, contributing to the restoration of the ozone layer and the protection of the Earth.

Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment Le Cong Thanh delivers the opening speech at the seminar

Attendees included Mr. Pipat Poopeerasupong, Ozone Coordinator for the Asia-Pacific Region, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Mr. Tang The Cuong, Director General of the Department of Climate Change (Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment); representatives from several units of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment and other ministries and sectors; representatives from the People's Committees and Departments of Natural Resources and Environment of 15 northern provinces/cities; representatives from international organizations, research institutes, universities, training institutions, and numerous businesses involved in ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases.

In the opening speech, Deputy Minister Le Cong Thanh stated: "The year 2024 marks 30 years of Viet Nam's participation in the Vienna Convention for the Protection of the Ozone Layer and the Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer. Immediately after joining the Convention and Protocol in 1994, Viet Nam issued the National Program for the Phase-out of Ozone-Depleting Substances in 1995 and established the National Program Office to coordinate and implement activities to phase out substances controlled under the Montreal Protocol from 1996."

During the first decade of participation in the Convention and Protocol (1994-2004), Viet Nam began to develop and issue regulations for managing and controlling the use of ozone-depleting substances, while also supporting businesses in technology conversion to eliminate these substances.

In the period from 2004 to 2014, Viet Nam intensified its efforts in ozone layer protection. Viet Nam issued numerous management regulations and guiding documents to manage the import and export of substances, control refrigeration equipment using CFC refrigerants, and limit the establishment or expansion of production for businesses using HCFCs. Along with other countries in the region, Viet Nam fulfilled its obligation to completely phase out the consumption of CFCs, Halons, and CTCs from January 1st, 2010, freeze HCFC consumption at the baseline level from January 1st, 2013, and implement various activities to support businesses in technology conversion.

From 2014 to the present, Viet Nam has focused on improving institutions and policies. The system of policies and laws on ozone layer protection, management, and elimination of ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases has been fundamentally completed. Foam, air conditioning, and refrigeration equipment manufacturers no longer use ozone-depleting substances in their production activities. The import and consumption of controlled substances are following the phase-out schedule, and Methyl Bromide is only used for quarantine and disinfection purposes in agriculture.

Ms. Megumi Seki, Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat, congratulates Viet Nam on the successful implementation of the Montreal Protocol over the past 30 years

The Government also ratified the Kigali Amendment to the Montreal Protocol in 2019 to strengthen the management of greenhouse gases (HFCs) used to replace ozone-depleting substances that are being phased out. Ozone layer protection has been incorporated into the Law on Environmental Protection, and Government Decree No. 06/2022/ND-CP has detailed regulations on greenhouse gas emission reduction and ozone layer protection. Circulars, standards, and national technical standards have been issued to support management efforts.

After 30 years of participating in the Vienna Convention and Montreal Protocol, Viet Nam has been internationally recognized as an active and responsible member, making efforts to implement various tasks and solutions to manage and eliminate ozone-depleting substances and greenhouse gases, achieving significant results. "According to statistics and assessments released by the Ozone Secretariat at the July meeting, Viet Nam has eliminated the consumption of 220 million tons of CO2 equivalent since joining," emphasized Deputy Minister Le Cong Thanh. These achievements have seen significant contributions from various Ministries and sectors such as Industry and Trade, Customs, Vocational Education and Training, Agriculture and Rural Development, along with the active participation of training institutions, associations, professional organizations, and businesses nationwide, as well as the cooperation and support of international partners.

To comprehensively implement solutions from now until 2045, on June 11th, 2024, the Prime Minister issued the National Plan on the Management and Elimination of Ozone-Depleting Substances and Controlled Greenhouse Gases in Decision No. 496/QD-TTg. If implemented according to the roadmap, by 2045, Viet Nam will reduce emissions by over 11 million tons of CO2 equivalent from the elimination of controlled substances, not to mention the emission reductions achieved through efforts in climate-friendly technology conversion and activities related to the recycling and reuse of controlled substances, contributing to the goal of achieving net-zero emissions by 2050..

Mr. Rusmir Music, an expert from the International Finance Corporation (IFC), presents at the seminar

In a welcome address from UNEP headquarters, Ms. Megumi Seki, Executive Secretary of the Ozone Secretariat, congratulated Viet Nam on the successful implementation of the Montreal Protocol over the past 30 years.

The focus of the International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2024 is on contributing to climate change mitigation, reflected in the message "Montreal Protocol: Driving Climate Action". The Montreal Protocol is internationally recognized as one of the most successful multilateral environmental agreements in history, and it represents a shared victory of global cooperation. To date, the elimination of 99% of ozone-depleting substances has resulted in a reduction of approximately 366 billion tons of CO2 emissions worldwide, significantly slowing down the process of global warming.

Ms. Megumi Seki expressed her hope that Viet Nam will continue its determination to effectively implement the Montreal Protocol, join hands in doubling efforts to fully realize the potential of the Kigali Amendment, and participate in international actions to enhance the management of the refrigerant lifecycle in the coming time, thereby realizing emission reduction goals.

At the seminar, representatives from international organizations and domestic experts delivered in-depth presentations on the management and elimination of controlled substances, the implementation of sustainable cooling activities in Viet Nam, practical experiences in technology conversion, and the collection, recycling, and treatment of controlled substances in Viet Nam.

According to Mr. Viraj Vithoontien, an expert from the World Bank (WB), implementing lifecycle management for refrigerants presents a significant opportunity for chemical manufacturers, equipment manufacturers, policymakers, large corporations, and service experts to collaborate in preventing emissions into the atmosphere.

Some international experiences include applying a deposit/refund system for large-scale retail sales of refrigerants by distributors and wholesalers. The unredeemed deposit amount would be used to cover costs related to the collection, transportation, recovery, and destruction of these substances. Regulatory bodies and the market need to increase the requirement for using recycled refrigerants in the production of new equipment. Buyers, building operators, and transportation operators should apply existing refrigerant procurement standards and equipment performance standards to enhance lifecycle management.

At the seminar, delegates discussed and clarified opportunities, challenges, and support needs for businesses to comprehensively and effectively implement Viet Nam's National Plan on the Management and Elimination of Ozone-Depleting Substances and Controlled Greenhouse Gases according to the roadmap.

Mr. Tang The Cuong, Director General of the Department of Climate Change, speaks at the seminar

Taking into account the feedback, Mr. Tang The Cuong, Director General of the Department of Climate Change, stated that these are suggestions for Viet Nam to continue its journey in ozone layer protection, especially in designing management regulations, implementing them in practice, and strengthening intersectoral coordination.

The International Day for the Preservation of the Ozone Layer 2024 marks a more comprehensive direction for the world, striving to effectively implement both the Vienna Convention, the Montreal Protocol, and ensure the implementation of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. As an active member, Viet Nam will continue to vigorously implement activities related to ozone layer protection, sustainable cooling, and climate change response. Achieving these goals requires the companionship of international partners, state management agencies, especially in the fields of industry and trade, customs, fisheries, etc. Institutes, universities, vocational training institutions, and state professional associations also play a crucial role in improving the quality of human resources for the implementation of the proposed programs and plans.

Delegates attending the seminar

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